Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fear of the Unknown

One of the main problems that I have encountered time and time again during the JET process is my tendency to want to plan and control the process. I have always had the predisposition that I need to lead the way and somewhat control what is going on out of fear that someone else might lead me astray. As I have mentioned before in previous posts, the process of being accepted and hired as a JET is a lengthy process, and one that you absolutely cannot control aside from your application and interview. It takes patience and faith, something that is hard to process for a worrier and planner. However, somewhere along this journey I have gained the knowledge to harness the power of positive thought, how to relinquish power and have faith in the process and in myself, and to stop believing I can plan everything and take things one day at a time. All of these things are new concepts to me and will take strength to implement in my future, however all of them can be life-changing to myself and to others if you just let them. 

Something that I never got used to while telling people that I would be soon moving to Japan was their response. I would receive many "Aren't you scared?" comments or "I could never do that, you are so brave!" It didn't matter if I was at work talking with customers, in meetings, talking to family members, or even friends, someone would usually hit me with one of those responses. The first few times maybe I would respond with "Well, should I be scared?" But then I realized why they were saying this to me, they were fearful of the unknown. I often wonder how many beautiful opportunities are brought into people's lives and they turn them down out of fear. It's okay to proceed with caution. However, when the universe is trying to propel you into the next phrase of your life don't let fear of the unknown rob you of the tremendous gift of adventure. Let faith take over and let yourself go, something that I am thankful I did. 

Lovely picture of Mt. Fuji, possibly one of the biggest adventures to be had in Japan

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