Monday, August 5, 2013


If someone would have told me four years ago that I would be moving to Japan, I would have said they were crazy. I have always imagined myself living somewhere besides Muncie, Indiana where I could experience new things and explore different possibilities for my life. However, thus far I haven't had the opportunity. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be moving to Japan, of all places! But that's what happens when you meet the right person, fall in love, and you both happen to share the same passions in life. Your wildest dreams are met! 

Joel and I went on our first date on January 18, 2010 and hit it off right from the start. Anyone who knows my husband knows that he has an intense love and passion for culture, adventure, people and most of all life. People who know Joel also understand that he is a talker. During our first date I could barely get two words in. This, however, did not bother me because Joel has wonderful stories. Our one sided conversation is what I later identified as severe anxiousness and nervousness on his part, but at the time I was extremely intrigued by all that this man has done. He has been to Japan twice while performing in a Broadway production, he's a very accomplished and talented keyboardist, he worked on Carnival cruise lines as a performer, has lived in New York, and on top of that has a great smile and baby blue eyes! I thought to myself "What a catch!" I had never in my life met someone that had accomplished so much. I'm from a very small town and went to an even smaller high school surrounded by farms, mom and pop stores, and family owned business. It was hard to believe that people like him even existed! He was cultured, he was exactly what I needed. 

From the beginning of our relationship, I knew of Joel's adoration for the Japanese culture and people. He gained this while on tour in Japan for several months performing for the show "Blast". I also knew that he had ambition that I had never witnessed before. I remember sitting with Joel in the beginning of our relationship talking about the possibilities for our life together. He was studying Japanese and International business in college, so I understood what implications that had for my life. I excepted this and told him right then and there that I would follow him anywhere. Now here we are almost four years later and I find myself moving to Japan in only 4 days. 

You could say that our journey to become a JET couple started at the beginning of application, but I like to think that it started at the beginning of our relationship. I knew that together, we could accomplish anything and create great memories and adventures for ourselves. 

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